Sinner No. 17 | EVANGELYN
Otherwise known as... Lyn | link to GDocs Character File
“At yuyurakan na ang lalong dakila, Bait katuwira’y ipanganganyaya.”
Evangelyn (Hangul, 에반젤린, ebanjellin) is Sinner #17 is one of the employees of the LCB department of Limbus Company.
A reserved yet obnoxious person, Evangelyn is someone with a curious past, and a more mysterious future. Seemingly tied to one of the other Sinners, she refuses to elaborate on anything concerning her nor them with the intent to ‘seperate work from life’.
Evangelyn is a short woman with an average build and segmental heterochromia in both eyes: the top being gray and the bottom being orange. She has long black hair tied into a triangular bun, with white highlights on the right of both her bangs and the ends of her hair.
His clothes are that of the standard Limbus Company uniform. (consisting of a white collared shirt, black vest, and an ID card) However instead of a tie, he dons a bow, as well as the company jacket being wrapped around his waist. His pants are black and modified to be similar to bell-bottom pants. Written on his coat are ‘NO. 14’ on his left breast, and ‘EVANGELYN’ on the side.
Evangelyn wields a Gunong, which she dual wields on both hands. The gunong is fully made of silver, with the handle being wrapped by a worn, black cloth and the word ‘SANGHAYA’ carved in to the blade.
Evangelyn is someone who’s best described as “two-faced,” or even “disingenuous”. He often foregoes compliments and similar displays of affection, oftentimes masking her worries behind blunt remarks and only voices out neutral to negative feelings. However, this doesn’t mean he doesn’t care—there are times where he cares to an almost detrimental degree. This is also when his comments are most scathing, in hopes to dissuade the object of his worry from continuing. This tends to backfire.
She’s competent, both in and out of battle. In many instances, she’ll provide viable suggestions and solutions, or provide insight on the person(s) or circumstance. (Ishmael had once described it as “psychoanalysing.” Evangelyn refers to it as cognitive empathy.) Although she is well-educated in this form of empathy, she also seems to lack the emotional part of it; she can understand all the reasoning and logical pathing to one’s actions and feelings, but cannot understand the natural progression of getting to that state.
Despite this, he is undoubtedly supportive and cares a lot of those around her. This seems to not just be limited to his peers and Sinners, but to anyone they encounter. However, this feeling often leads to more harm than good, as he still possesses a archaic and humanitarian-like mindset, seeking an idealistic future for most people in the City. With a moral compass stronger than most, she was one of the more hesitant in fulfilling orders within the company. Not to mention his disgust (and at times, fear) at the sight of blood leading him to sit further in the back of on-field missions or purposefully not finishing off enemies. He finds more comfort in assisting his sinners non-lethally, healing himself or them during and sometimes battle.
Note: She does not like Dante’s solution of rewinding time. Saying they are “messing with what’s been done” and denotes it almost to black magic. Nonetheless, she does not stop them from doing it, as she holds a stronger sense of professionality and ‘following the leader’ rather than her own personal grievances. This does not stop her from making snide remarks
Evangelyn, in his base LCB Sinner Identity, wields his gunong, dual wielded with a preference for his right hand. Her attacks consist of 1 Pierce skill, and 2 Slash skills.